This eight-book fantasy series by Eoin Colfer is about a twelve-year-old boy named, surprisingly enough, Artemis Fowl. This boy may be young in years, but he is a criminal mastermind. Determined to restore the family fortune, most of which was gathered on the wrong side of the law, Artemis begins searching for a way to locate copious amounts of money – fast.
“Artemis the Second vowed to remedy this. he would restore the family fortune. And he would do it in his own unique fashion.”
– Doctor J. Argon- Artemis Fowl
Soon, Artemis discovers the existence of fairies. They are creatures with magic, as most stories say. But they are governed by strict rules because of it. Fairies also have advanced technology, and Captain Holly short is kidnapped by Artemis, so he has the right to ransom her fairy gold. The fairies retaliate, and threaten to destroy Artemis and his household, but are eventually forced to pay up.
Eoin Colfer uses a creatively designed world of fantasy creatures and an uncannily smart boy, both of which succeed in drawing the reader in. This book has relatable characters, unexpected twists and rather… explosive dwarfs. Artemis Fowl deserves a 4 out of 5 stars for its creative flair on the regular myths of fantasy creatures and amazing, lovable characters.